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How to Create and Validate Your Own HTML and CSS Templates


How to Create and Validate Your Own HTML and CSS Templates


When I write a piece of writing–or any web page, for that count number–I like, first of all, primary HTML, XHTML, and CSS files I understand include valid code. After studying this education, you’ll be able to use this technique, too. I use two styles of fundamental, requirements-based files to write web pages. The first has a Document Type Definition(DTD) of XHTML 1. Zero Transitional, just like WordPress uses. The 2nd is a simple HTML file with a Document Type Definition(DTD) of HTML four.01 Transitional.

These definitions tell the browser which specification the record uses. For instance, the DTD would ask a browser if the form was HTML or XHTML. The DTD is the primary line of code in an internet web page. The syntax guidelines for HTML and XHTML are exclusive in some approaches. You should use the proper syntax for your DTD, or your code will no longer skip at W3C. Even though your browser might display your web page as expected, browsers are very forgiving concerning non-fashionable code.


I use the HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD for the content material on my website because I am secure with its syntax. The best way to ensure you are starting with a requirements-based totally net page is to first reproduce a known suitable skeletal net page and paste it right into a simple text editor. Next, keep the code as a text document with the “.Text” extension.

You could call the file my-HTML-template.Txt. You can also paste the code into the W3C Markup Validation Service to check that it’s far as much as snuff: if the code passes the validator “in the green,” you know your code is right. Simple skeletal web pages can be determined at W3 Schools. Other code and the DTD for HTML and XHTML can also be located there.


It is commonplace to find that online web pages fail W3C validation with many errors. Sometimes, the wrong DTD is specified for a web page; at different times, the failure is because of using not well-known or deprecated code. If you begin with a legitimate, simple template and accurate validation mistakes that show up, your pages will constantly be “inside the inexperienced” when posted to the Web.

Once you’ve got a valid basic template, you may add your content between the body tags and additional code between the head tags.

Normally, I do not use hard carriage returns inside a paragraph. The editors I use all have a “word wrap” feature that lets me see all the textual content I write without applying the horizontal scroll bar. The actual line period of the posted content could be determined later while the web page show is styled.

I use a tough carriage return after the remaining sentence of a paragraph and upload an extra one between sections. Hard returns can also be delivered to the additional area between other factors and the photograph code.

If you’ve added content material to the my-HTML-template.Txt report, store it again with a “.Html” report extension. You can then open it in a browser. What you may see is that all of the content material runs together. That is because browsers look for line smash tags and no carriage returns. You can repair this by discovering and replacing it with your editor: just find each carriage return and replace it with a wreck tag. When you open the HTML report again, the numerous components of the content material can be neat and tidy; however, it is not very pretty. CSS styling will restore this.

Suppose you’re simply “dropping” the content between the frame tags into a visual editor on the internet, together with a WordPress editor or the article content material container at EzineArticles. In that case, you oughtn’t fear the road breaks as they’ll be added to the HTML code for you.

Copy and paste the CSS code below into your text editor. Then, save it as “my-template. CSS” within the identical folder where you kept your HTML template file.


heritage: #fffef2;

color: black;

line height: regular;

margin: three% 25% three% 25%;

min-width: 400px;

The hyperlink meta tag buddies a CSS document with the HTML document. Copy and paste the hyperlink tag proven below among the top tags inside the my-HTML-template.Txt record you saved. Replace the bracket characters with “, respectively.

[link title=”Template Style Sheet” rel=”stylesheet” href=”my-template.Css”type=”text/css”]

If you’ve delivered a few contents in your my-HTML-template.Txt document, you may see some pretty best formatting while opening the record in a browser. For example, the web page content is now centered in approximately the center half of the web page, there may be a pleasant heritage color, and the textual content is Verdana. This is all due to the specs in the CSS code for “body.”The “body” code determines the general appearance of the web page.

You also can validate your CSS code. W3C has a CSS code validator. Copy the CSS code, paste it into the validator’s textual content field, and click the “Check” button. You will discover that the code above passes “in the green,” as it should.

The content material to receive the design should be identified to use show formatting. Content may be bracketed with HTML tags containing names referencing styling definitions inside the CSS document. Examples of these tags are “div” and “span.” When a browser encounters an HTML tag and reveals a call reference, it appears inside the CSS record for the styling and then applies it to the web page shows. If there may be no styling referenced within the HTML tags, the browser will use its defaults for the display.


W3 Schools has complete data and tutorials about CSS.

Building your own (X)HTML and CSS templates–and then putting them through the W3C validators–is a great way to ensure that your internet pages will continually be requirements-based. You don’t need a highly-priced web-improvement software package to develop your templates; you may use a simple text editor. Use the textual content editor to build the web page structure and add the content. Then, use CSS to fashion the display of the content material. If you publish your content online, you will probably be able to drop the content material from your textual content record (between the frame tags) right into the editor’s text field without any modifications. If you need to view your file in a browser as you create it, you could upload break tags between content material factors, then save the file with a “.Html” extension. If you validate your net pages as you create them, you can continually make sure that when they’re published online, they may validate “inside the green.”

Jacklyn J. Dyer

Friend of animals everywhere. Problem solver. Falls down a lot. Hardcore social media advocate. Managed a small team training dolls with no outside help. Spent high school summers creating marketing channels for Elvis Presley in Minneapolis, MN. Prior to my current job I was donating wooden trains in Hanford, CA. Spent the 80's getting my feet wet with accordians in Jacksonville, FL. Spent the 80's writing about crayon art in Africa. Managed a small team getting to know inflatable dolls in Gainesville, FL.
