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How to Install Operating System Without CD or Through the Network

Oparating system

How to Install Operating System Without CD or Through the Network



In this article, you may learn about installing the Operating System without a CD or through the Network.

Add crazy

Before reading this Article, make certain you have already hooked up the following capabilities in your Windows Server 2012:

Domain: You should create a site.
DHCP Server
Partitions should be made in NTFS.
First, we can deploy the WDS (Windows Deployment Services) in our Windows Server 2012.



Step 1

First log in to your Windows Server 2012 as an Administrator. When your login manner is finished, the Server Manager might be opened mechanically; you must open it manually if it does not.

Now, click the Manage button in the Server Manager to open the “Add Roles and Features” to feature the new function.


Step 2

Now, a new Window might be opened in which few instructions would be given. Click on “Next.”

Step 3

Now, you will be affected by the “Installation type,” from which you pick out the primary option, after which click “Next.”

Step 4

Now select the Server from the Server Pool. Since I had the handiest Server in the Server pool, my Server was chosen by using the default.

After selecting the Server, click on “Next.”

Step 5

Now, a List of “Rolls” will appear; scroll down to the “Windows Deployment Services” and click on it.

A new window might be opened as you click on WDS, tasking you to “ADD Features.” Click on “Add Features.”

Step 6

Now, a list of features may have to be selected; you may choose any characteristic you need to install, after which click ” next” or, without a doubt, click “Next” without specifying a feature.

Some statistics about about the WDS might be given; click on the “Next” button.

Step 7

Now, you ought to choose the “Role Services” of the WDS. TServices can be available on this page; pick out each of the offerings and click the “Next” button.

Step 8

Now, a “Confirmation” page might be opened to show the selections made using you. Finally, click the “Install” button to begin the setup.

Now, your installation manner may be commenced to take time in step with the processing strength of your Server.

Until now, your WDS has been Installed on the Windows Server; now we can pass it to the Next part of this Article.

Now, we will configure the WDS to allow us to add and deploy an Image and Boot Image to the Windows Server 2012.

Step 1

First of all, open the Administrative Tools in the Windows Server 2012.

Now, in the Administrative Tools, scroll down to the Windows Deployment Services and open it.

Step 2

Now, in the Windows Deployment Services, you will discover your Server. Right-click on it and pick “Configure Server.”

A new window will be opened showing the list of features that should be established formerly. If all the necessities are fulfilled, then click on “Next.”

Step 3

Now, Install options might be had in front of you from which you want to pick out the primary vote, “Integrated with Active Directory.”

After deciding on the Install choice, you must specify the route to the Remote Installation Folder; if you created a separate folder as an Installation Folder, you could specify its path. In any other case, a default folder will be available for you named RemoteInstall.

On clicking “Next,” a Warning message may be shown to you; just click on the Yes button and circulate ahead.

Step 4

Now, the “Proxy DHCP Server” web page will be available in front of you in which two alternatives can be proven; test each option, then click”Next.”

The subsequent web page is “PXE Server Initial Settings,” right here, you need to select the 0.33 alternative, “Respond to All Client Computers,” and then look at the choice beneath it.

Step 5

Now go to the Start Menu and open the “Services.”

You may find Windows Deployment Services in the Services, proper-click on it, and pick out the Start option to start this service.

Now, the 1/3 a part of the Article Starts. We can upload, install, and photograph to the Windows Deployment Services, which is a good way to install the OS on any machine.

As you configure the Server, many options may be available beneath the Server, like Install Image, Boot Image, and many others.

Step 1

Right-click on Install Image underneath the Server and click oAdd Install Image.”

The next page is for the Image Group, wherein a default name might be furnished for the Image Group; you may simply click on “Next” without converting the Default Name.

Step 2

The next web page will ask for the path for the photograph file. Click the “Browse” button to specify the path.

Go to the “DVD-RW Drive” and open it. In this, you may discover a choice named “assets,” Open it, and you may find the option “Install. Wim” and pick this record.

Step 3

After giving the Image document course, click “Next.” On clicking the Next button, all of them had pictures that may be proven. However, her best photograph is available, displaying the handiest alternative.

After deciding on the photo, click the “Next” button.

Now, a Summary page will be opened to briefly summarize the selection and course you provided.

Step 4

Now the mission for adding the Windows Images has commenced.

After a final touch of the assignment, you may see the Image File below the Install Images alternative.

This report may be used to put in the Operating System on any device related to this server. Now, 3 elements of the Article are finished. This is the final part of the entire Article. Now, we can add a Boot Image to the Windows Deployment Services to install the OS on any machine.

As you configure the Server, many options may be to be had for the Server, like Install Image, Boot Image, and many others.

Step 1

Right-click “Boot Im” underneath the Server and click “Add Boomage.”

Step 2

The next page will ask for the course of the photo report. Click the “Browse” button to specify the path.

Go to the “DVD-RW Drive” and open it; on this, you’ll discover a choice named “sources,” Open it, and you’ll find the option of “Boot. Wim.” Pick out this file.

Step 3

The next page is named “Image Metadata,” on which the picture file’s name and its description are proven.

Click “Next” to continue.

Step 4

A “Summary web page” might be opened to summarize your choice and the file you chose.

Click on “Next.”

Step 5

As you click on “Next,” the project of including the Boot Image might be commenced.

After finishing touch on the project, you may see the Image File below the Boot Images alternative.

Now the whole thing has been done, and you can use the Install Image and Boot Image to put in the Operating System on any machine-related on your Server without using CDs or DVDs.

Jacklyn J. Dyer

Friend of animals everywhere. Problem solver. Falls down a lot. Hardcore social media advocate. Managed a small team training dolls with no outside help. Spent high school summers creating marketing channels for Elvis Presley in Minneapolis, MN. Prior to my current job I was donating wooden trains in Hanford, CA. Spent the 80's getting my feet wet with accordians in Jacksonville, FL. Spent the 80's writing about crayon art in Africa. Managed a small team getting to know inflatable dolls in Gainesville, FL.
