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The Laws of Wellness: Keys to Understanding Your Chances for a Healthy Life


The Laws of Wellness: Keys to Understanding Your Chances for a Healthy Life


Introduction: A Multitude of Laws

Most knowledgeable humans have heard of God’s laws (contentious, confusing, conflicting, and confounding), the law of Gravity, the regulation of Thermodynamics, the rule of the Land, Parkinson’s law, Murphy’s power, and so on. Most are named after the writer of a succinct commentary defined as employing the law. Rules vary from An (Aitken’s regulation – which describes how vowel duration is conditioned through surroundings) to Z (Zipf’s law – a linguistic commentary that a few phrases are used regularly; however, maximum are used not often).

As the well-being subject grows and evolves, perhaps it’s time for a REAL well-being regulation- or any such laws. If so, why no longer accomplice as many as feasible with one’s name?

Laws of Wellness

Grandiose, perhaps, but if I don’t do it, a person else sincerely will, and that character may make many of it. Wellness in corporate America and other places globally is defined and presented wildly beside the point and dysfunctional approaches; why not remove the babble with some transformative REAL health laws? If they make the experience and lead humanity sounder, such legal guidelines may properly contribute modestly to improved fitness and lifestyle results.

In this manner, one does not have to formulate a regulation called in his/her honor or even be aware of a law to be laid low with and live according to it. We have all complied with Galileo and Newton’s legal guidelines about Gravity well earlier than we have become aware.

Anyone wishing a law to ensure his or her call must present a few credentials. Mine is modest and simple but okay for the honor. As of this writing, I actually have written 15 books, posted properly over 1000 essays at Seekwellness.Com/health, 74 8 to 12-web page tough replica well-being reports taking off in 1984, 657 weekly electronic REAL well-being newsletters, as a minimum of 1000 lecture presentations in a dozen countries even as spending forty-three years (when you consider that 1970) dreaming about the ways to and possibilities of hugely stepped forward environments and cultures for more health and happiness.


All of this has led to this second time once I provide the universe Ardell’s two legal guidelines of REAL well-being.

Ardell’s 1st Law of REAL Wellness: Random Chance, Natural Selection and Contingencies Trump All Else

Life’s largest occasions regularly observe random, reputedly inconsequential small actions that we continue to be unaware of.

Secular-rational free thinkers area inventory in understanding, commitment, reason, and staying power in shaping and first-class-tuning way of life habits. We include views and behaviors on matters existential and, in any other case, designed to render high-quality states of enjoyment and proper being. We consciously try to find happiness, freedom, bodily health, love, satisfying relationships, and talents. What subjects most affect our successes and outcomes seems extra or less to be beneath our manipulating issue. Alas, this useful and favored way of thinking is essentially illusory. There are three additional consequential realities now not underneath you have an effect on in any way. Furthermore, these 3 factors render the first and duration of your life unpredictable and unknowable. They are 1) random hazard or fortune, 2) natural choice, and 3) contingencies.

Ardell’s second Law of REAL Wellness: Relative to Ardell’s 1st Law of REAL wellness, different REAL health legal guidelines don’t quantify much.

Considering the tremendous black hollow strength of the first regulation, extra such legal guidelines play a modest role in shaping existence and sturdiness.

But that doesn’t obviate the case for introduced laws of REAL well-being. The reality is that most of the eponymous legal guidelines on the books are useless to the majority but are of interest and helpful to a few. I’m in my 8th decade; I’m no longer privy to any event after I could have benefited from an awareness of Aitken’s or Zipf’s law. I heard of neither until I started researching this essay—ditto heaps of other legal guidelines.

Relative to the first regulation above, this law and the people who comply with it do not want quantity to be a great deal. But nevertheless, I at this moment provide some more just the same. They cannot hurt.

Ardell’s Third Law of REAL Wellness: Finding your passion is nice; however, keep going turns out to be fantastic at it.

Since few folks enjoy royal lineage or handsome trusts that assure great tours in existence with little or no want for exertions, we need to pick trades of types to pay our way through lifestyles. Thus, we’re wise to undertake a long-term goal of reading and laboring at an alternate to prove enjoyable, pleasing, and nicely remunerative.

When this task is met, your way of earning a residence may not seem like work.

Thus, the third regulation is to master a passion. Start by following varied hobbies and, after years, if not decades, of trial and blunders, settle into one in all of them, immersing yourself in it.

Be realistic but defend against premature realism simultaneously, as no oneyone get elected, be in the movies, or play in the NBA or NFL; a select few can. Focus on what excites capabilities and presents. Put in the time required to qualify for Carnegie Hall (i.e., exercise, the practice accounts for Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours rule).

The aim right here is that at some unspecified time in the future in your profession, any person, someplace, for some desirable or unusual motive, will pay you to do what you experience doing due to the fact you are so impressive at anything it’s far you have got honed to a stage of suave mastery.

Robert Frost expressed the idea of this law in his poem “Two Tramps in Mud Time:”

My intention in lifestyle is to unite my avocation with
is play my amusement.
As my eyes make one in sight.
For best, wherein love and want are one
And pairs played for mortal stakes
Is the deed ever truly done
For heaven’s and the future’s sake.

Ardell’s 4th Law of REAL Wellness: Chasing after fun is better than escaping pain.

Forget an oz of prevention. That can also be worth a pound of therapy, but even a grain of REAL well-being is worth a ton of prevention. Prevention is such an antique school- it’s antique medical wondering targeted upon averting terrible effects. Furthermore, there is no laugh in working so as not to enjoy poor final results.

Instead of stopping something, pursue superb results via proactive projects that amuse and satisfy. REAL health initiatives guided by cause, exuberance, athleticism, and liberty are more likely to be interesting and enjoyable. Moreover, such efforts will beef up correct intentions, ways greater than waiting around for bad states now not to occur way to preventive strategies!

Naturally, SOME prevention is good. Birth control prevention is right. Ailment prevention is a good concept.

Ardell’s 5th Law of REAL Wellness: Scrutinize your role in any scene, appropriate or horrific, and make modifications.

Make personal responsibility your default placing. Initially, it’s far less complicated, cheaper, and more handy to guilt, excuse, deny, and/or ignore responsibility than to include it. Such are the modern default settings in most cultures, including ours. However, in the long, if not medium, range, it’s miles healthier, more pleasurable, and more powerful to expect at least a few diplomae of duty. This approach permits you to make changes independent of moves by using others. Your very own moves are the most advantageous steps to assisting your hobbies.

Healthy Life

Ardell’s Sixth Law of REAL Wellness: Dead, bloated rhino equivalents are the team of life workers.

All aspects of REAL wellness are probably similarly important for everyone. We’re all quite distinct in so many methods, although we are alike in many ways. But, our instances, resources, capacities, etc., range considerably. Among the maximum vital factors for playing existence ought to be the enjoyment of ample DBRU equivalents, an active hobby in life-lengthy openness to new meanings, and a commitment to and protection of a remarkable match body.

Therefore, similarly to learning information and attractiveness of the reality of Ardell’s 1st Law of REAL Wellness, make a point of constantly seeking to look on the brilliant side of life. If the latter appears tough, take comfort from the phrases expressed by using the mom of Woody Allen’s character in Annie Hall. Having just read that the universe is expanding, Allen’s individual laments that he is too worried to do his homework. “Someday, it will break apart and on the way to be the quiet of everything.”

“But,” his Mother snaps, “You’re right here in Brooklyn! Brooklyn is not increasing.”

Parting Thoughts

Wherever you are, whether it is increasing or no longer, do not worry about it. You do not have sufficient time to waste electricity on such trivialities as an increasing universe or much of anything else. Get on with your lifestyles, focus on the intense facet of lifestyles, discover methods to amuse a few, and return my 1st Law of REAL well-being to conscious recognition. All will flip out for the nice if random threat smiles upon you if the herbal choice tactics that led to your creation end up fortuitous, and if the contingencies that were given you wherein you are and those instantly in advance flip out to your favor.

Consider Robert Green Ingersoll’s response to a reporter’s question in 1898:

No one has to fail to pick out each jewel
of joy that can be determined in his course.

Everyone ought to be as happy as he can,
furnished, he is not satisfied with the rate
of some other, and no man or woman rightly constituted
can be satisfied at the price of some other.

So allow us to get all of the property we can along
the cradle and the grave; all that we can of
the truly dramatic; all that we will of music;
all that we can out of art; all that we will
amusement, and if, when demise comes, that
is the stop, we’ve at the least made the satisfactory
of this lifestyle, and if there be every other life, allow us to
make the pleasure of that.

Maybe that solution must be called Ingersoll’s 1st Law of REAL well-being.

Jacklyn J. Dyer

Friend of animals everywhere. Problem solver. Falls down a lot. Hardcore social media advocate. Managed a small team training dolls with no outside help. Spent high school summers creating marketing channels for Elvis Presley in Minneapolis, MN. Prior to my current job I was donating wooden trains in Hanford, CA. Spent the 80's getting my feet wet with accordians in Jacksonville, FL. Spent the 80's writing about crayon art in Africa. Managed a small team getting to know inflatable dolls in Gainesville, FL.
