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Health and Sanitation Practices and Academic Performance of Grade VI


Health and Sanitation Practices and Academic Performance of Grade VI



Providing fitness sanitation is a key improvement intervention – without it, unwell health dominates an existence without dignity. Having access to sanitation will increase fitness, well-being, and monetary productivity. Inadequate sanitation influences individuals, families, groups, and nations. Despite its significance, achieving real profits in sanitation coverage has been slow. Achieving the internationally agreed objectives for sanitation and hygiene poses a large project to the global community and can only be accomplished if action is taken. Low-price, appropriate technology is to be had. Effective program control tactics had been developed. Political will and concerted efforts utilizing all stakeholders can improve the lives of thousands and thousands of people in the instantaneous future.

Sanitation Practices

Nearly forty percent of the sector’s population (2. Four billion) cannot access hygienic personal sanitation. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1. Eight million people die yearly from diarrheal diseases, 200 million humans are infected with schistosomiasis, and more than 1 billion are afflicted by soil-transmitted helminth infections. A Special Session on Children of the United Nations General Assembly (2002) pronounced that almost 5,500 youngsters die daily from sicknesses caused by contaminated food and water because of fitness and sanitation malpractice.

Increasing access to sanitation and improving hygienic behaviors are keys to reducing this massive ailment burden. In addition, such changes would grow faculty attendance, especially for girls, and help faculty children analyze higher. They could also have a prime impact on the economies of many countries – each rich and bad – and women’s empowerment. Most of those advantages could accrue in growing nations.


The international community has set bold objectives for improving access to sanitation by way of 2015. Achieving these dreams can dramatically impact the lives of hundreds of tens of millions of the arena’s poorest human beings. Moreover, it could open the door to additional economic development for many communities. Access to good enough sanitation indicates crossing the most vital barrier to a life of dignity and fulfillment of basic wishes.

This examination determined the health and sanitation practices of the Grade VI scholars in selected public colleges in the district of Diadi, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. This research project applied the descriptive correlation method of studies to set up the effect of the profile variables on the respondents’ health practices, sanitation practices, and instructional performance and the connection between fitness and sanitation practices with educational performance. The following are the sizeable findings of the observation:

Twenty-five or 37.31 percent of the respondents are 12 years old; 41 or 61.19 percent are a woman; 47 or 70.14 percent are Roman Catholics; 22 or 32.84 percent are Ilocano; 20 or 20.89 of the respondents’ fathers reached basic college level; 21 or 31.34 percent in their moms are college graduates; 50 or 74.63 percent of their fathers are farmers; 38 or fifty-six. Seventy-two percent are housekeepers; 34 or 50.75 have family earnings of five,000.00 and beneath; 38 or 56. Seventy-two percent have 4 to 6 own family members; 36 or fifty-three.73 percent have 2 sanitation facilities, and 42 or sixty-two. 69 acquired 5 immunizations.

Health practices in the college received a grand suggest of three.89; 3. Ninety for fitness practices inside the home and 3.62 for health practices within the community, all qualitatively described as very excellent. The respondents perceived their sanitation practices inside the school as very satisfactory, with a grand mean of 3—Forty-four; also very good for sanitation practices inside the domestic with three. Fifty-five; and again, very quality for sanitation practices in the community, with 3.26 grand suggest.

The perceived health practices of the respondents in the domestic significantly fluctuate. At the same time, they are grouped according to the father’s instructional attainment, the mom’s educational attainment, the father’s profession, the mother’s profession, the family’s monthly income, the form of residing, and a wide variety of sanitation facilities as evidenced with the aid of the computed t-check and F-check effects of two.39, 2.64, three.19, 3.28, 2.93, three., 18, and three.19, respectively, are better than the vital cost at a 0.05 significance level.

On the other hand, age, gender, mother’s academic attainment, mom’s profession, kind of dwelling, and quantity of sanitation facilities triggered good-sized differences in the perceived fitness practices of the respondents inside the school as proven by way of the computed t-take a look at and F-take a look at effects of three.15, 2.03, 2.39, three.18, three., 16, and 3. Seventy-four, respectively; all are higher than the critical values at zero.05 degree of significance. Significant variations have also been mentioned in the respondents’ health practices within the network. At the same time, they’re grouped consistent with ethnicity, father’s educational attainment, mother’s instructional attainment, father’s occupation, mom’s occupation, circle of relatives’ month-to-month income, variety of sanitation centers, and the number of immunizations obtained due to the fact the computed t-check and F-take a look at effects of two.76, 2.37, 2.41, 3.148, three. Sixteen, 2. Seventy-nine, 3.26, and three.17 respectively are better than the essential values at 0.05 level of importance.

There exists a vast difference between the respondents’ sanitation practices in the domestic. At the same time, they may be grouped in keeping with gender, ethnicity, father’s academic attainment, mother’s educational attainment, family monthly income, type of residing, and quantity of sanitation facilities because of the computed values of t-check and F-check results of 2.05, 2.79, 2.37, 2. Fifty-one, 2.78, 3.29, and 3.16 are better than the important values at zero—05 levels of importance. Moreover, gender, ethnicity, father’s academic attainment, mother’s instructional attainment, circle of relatives month-to-month income, and a wide variety of sanitation practices caused huge variants within the respondent’s sanitation practices within the college as evidenced with the aid of the computed values of two.15, 2.

Eighty-one, 2.42, 2.87, 2. Eighty-three, and 3. Seventy-nine respectively; all also are higher than the vital values at 0.05 stage of importance. On the other hand, the respondent’s perception of their sanitation practices inside the community differs. At the same time, they are grouped in line with gender, father’s academic attainment, mother’s instructional attainment, father’s career, mother’s occupation, circle of relatives month-to-month profits, and the number of sanitation facilities for the reason that computed t-test and F-take a look at consequences of 2.06, 2.37, 2. Forty-one, three.17, three.148, 2. Seventy-eight and 3.25 are better than the vital values at zero.05 stage of significance.

There exists an enormous difference in the respondents’ academic achievements while grouped in line with gender, as indicated through the computed price of two.27, which is higher than 1.99 critical values—Father’s and mother’s educational attainment with the calculated values of two. Seventy-four and 2. Sixty-four, respectively, each better than the crucial value of 2.368, and their profession with three, 17, and 3.27, respectively, both higher than the essential value of 3.142, represent widespread variance in the respondents’ overall academic performance. Family monthly profits and variety of immunizations acquired, with the computed values of two.86 and 3.19, respectively, which might be higher than the essential values of 2.754 and three.142, respectively, notably differentiated the respondents’ academic performances.

The relaxation of the variables – age, religion, ethnicity, number of own family individuals, type of living, and range of sanitation centers no longer reason for sizable differences due to the computed values of two.94, 1.86, 2. Seventy-one, 2.89, 1. Ninety-seven and three.08, respectively, had been lower than the crucial values at 0.05 degree of significance. There could be very significant dating among fitness practices and sanitation practices as evidenced with the aid of the computed r-fee of zero.72, which is higher than the crucial cost of zero.241 for sixty-five levels of freedom at zero—05 degree of importance, indicating excessive correlation, with a coefficient of determination of 51.

84 percentage. A minimal wonderful correlation exists between fitness practices and educational overall performance, as indicated by using the computed r-fee of zero.238 with an equivalent computed t-price of 2.198, which is higher than the important t-fee one.99 for 65 degrees of freedom at 0.05 stage of significance. The said correlation is great. Moreover, sanitation practices and academic overall performance have a small advantageous correlation, as evidenced by the computed r-price of 0.226 with an equivalent computed t-fee of 2.07, better than the critical t-price of one.99 65 levels of freedom at 0.05 level of importance. This end result is statistically inferred as full-size.


Based on the preceding big findings, hereunder are the conclusions.

1. The respondents are of their pre-adolescence degree, girls, Roman Catholics, Ilocano, have fathers who reached fundamental degree, mothers who’re college graduates, have fathers who are farmers, have moms who’re housekeepers, have low earnings, belong to medium-sized families, have concrete dwellings, have constrained sanitation centers and good enough immunization obtained.

2. The respondents also have first-class health practices at home, college, and community. In addition, the same group of respondents has very nice sanitation practices at home, in the school, and great sanitation practices within the network.

3. The respondents have talented academic performance.

4. The Health and sanitation practices of the respondents differ while they are grouped according to selected profile variables.

5. Academic performance of the respondents differs when they’re grouped consistent with gender, parents’ profession, family earnings, and quantity of immunizations received, but not with age, ethnicity, the number of family members, type of dwelling, and wide variety of sanitation facilities.

6. Very considerable dating exists between the respondents’ fitness and sanitation practices.

7. A Very sizeable correlation exists between the respondents’ health and sanitation practices and overall educational performance.

Premised on the above-cited findings and conclusions, the following tips are offered:

1. Although the respondents reveal enjoyable fitness and sanitation practices, these should still be more desirable and sustained by implementing diverse fitness and sanitation programs.

2. The College, as the lead agency, ought to orchestrate its efforts with other government groups, which include the DOH, DSWD, DENR, LGU, and non-authorities sectors for the sustainability of fitness and sanitation applications.

3. Activities geared toward sustainability of fitness and sanitation must be designed/conceptualized, along with looking for the healthiest pupil, maximum sanitary school room/faculty, and mu. They must’ve to the home and community.

4. The scheme of getting trainer-coordinators for each Turok should be bolstered to progress and maintain health and sanitation.

5. Since there may be a sizable dating between fitness and sanitation practices and scholars’ academic overall performance, faculties should spearhead the provision of fitness and sanitation centers to keep pupils continually reminded of their fitness and sanitation practices.

Jacklyn J. Dyer

Friend of animals everywhere. Problem solver. Falls down a lot. Hardcore social media advocate. Managed a small team training dolls with no outside help. Spent high school summers creating marketing channels for Elvis Presley in Minneapolis, MN. Prior to my current job I was donating wooden trains in Hanford, CA. Spent the 80's getting my feet wet with accordians in Jacksonville, FL. Spent the 80's writing about crayon art in Africa. Managed a small team getting to know inflatable dolls in Gainesville, FL.
