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Does Your Business Have a WordPress Website?


Does Your Business Have a WordPress Website?


So, as small business proprietors, do you have a WordPress Website?

How are you going to get extra commercial enterprise?

There are over 1. Nine million small companies throughout Australia – lots of these organizations are suffering to live on. Small commercial enterprise understands it’s getting steeply-priced and more difficult to get in front of the latest possibilities. So, you’re looking at better approaches to discover and qualify your target market. You’re searching for practical methods to reach new customers.


Blogging Kit

My clients tell me constantly:

“They’re conscious they want to have the website and get located on a Google search. They just haven’t any concept of how to gain this.”
You possibly fall into this boat, too.

It’s tough for Small businesses to stand out in a crowd because the huge boys are throwing bucketloads of cash on Fancy Billboards and TV advertising. Instead, they’re simply making noise.

“Use of the net is excessive amongst Australians and, importantly, among clients. Small enterprise owners are missing precious possibilities to apply the Internet to promote their Business and construct their client base,” said Tim Reed, CEO of MYOB.

Businesses are seeking out answers to dwindling profits and sales.

If you don’t have a website, look at these stats.

As of 27 Jan 2010, the populace of Australia reached 22 hundred thirty 470, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. In 2007, there was 1 Small enterprise for every 10 humans in Australia, approximately 1. Ninety-three million active small agencies (1,927,590) in Australia, representing 96 percent of all companies (2,011,770)
ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, Including Entries and Exits, June 2003 to June 2007 – 8165.0, Table 13 p 18.


Do you have a Website?
Do you have a Website?
Australians use the Internet, so Small commercial enterprises need a website.

* In the quiet of June 2009, there were eight. Four million energetic internet subscribers in Australia.
* Digital subscriber line (DSL) accounted for fifty-seven% (4.2 million) of these connections, which reduced from 63% in December 2008 when DSL represented sixty-three% of dial-up access connections.
* This is especially due to a boom of Mobile wireless subscribers from 20% of all known dial-up connections (1.3 million) in December 2008 to 27% (2 million) in June 2009. That’s a boom of fifty-one over the six months.

ABS8153.0 – Internet Activity, Australia, Jun 2009

Small Business and the Use of the Internet

Ninety-seven% of SMEs owned a computer of a few descriptions compared to medium Businesses; this sits at 98%. Small Business proprietors have embodied the idea of being portable, with sixty-three %of SMEs now proudly owning a notebook computer – Sensis® e-Business Report -The Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2009
95% of small and medium agencies are related to the Internet, a boom of one from the closing year. 96% of SMEs have a broadband internet connection, ninety-seven% of SMEs use the net to communicate with customers, clients, and suppliers, and ninety-two% to search for records on services and products, after which 91% use it for studies
Results from the MYOB Australian Small Business Survey, 31 Mar 2009,

“Internet use is excessive amongst Australians and, importantly, among purchasers. Small commercial enterprise owners lack precious possibilities to apply the Internet to sell their enterprise and build their client base,” said Tim Reed, CEO of MYOB.

“The internet is an essential statistics and communique platform, a critical tool for small businesses, particularly now with the present-day economic turbulence,” says Mr. Reed.

The MYOB survey observed only 39% of small enterprises had an internet site, and of those most effective, 30 % had been capable of promoting inline (online buying or e-commerce facility)
Only forty-four of Small enterprises had registered a Domain Name as of March 2009, with fifty-two percent not even having a domain call written. As of 30 June 2008, 36% of Australian corporations have an internet presence; this consists of businesses with a website, home page, or company on another entity’s internet site.Abs.Gov.Au/ausstats/abs.
The larger the company, the better the chance of getting an internet presence – an employer with over 2 hundred employees has a ninety-six% opportunity of getting an internet presence in comparison to the best 27% for agencies using zero-4 humans [1] Sensis® e-Business Report -The Online Experience of Small and Medium Enterprises 2009
Businesses using 0-four folks incorporate just under thirds of the populace and have an extraordinarily low incidence of net presence. This information displays why companies that do not spend money on a web presence will be left behind.

If those figures assist you in looking at the possibilities of having the web a presence, then it is time to take action.

What are your Website alternatives?

You ought to construct a website yourself. (Do you have the time or know-how to examine HTML and how to add documents to the server? Probably not, or you would have a domain.)
If you have got a geek as a chum, then they might build you a website; they normally have masses of fancy code (but are not very sensible for advertising and marketing functions)
Get an internet fashion designer to build you a site. You need to recognize your cause and what you’re looking to achieve. (The trouble with those websites is whenever you need to update them, you want to have the competencies to update them or pay the internet dressmaker; this is why most Websites have stale content.)
Use a CMS Content Management System, like WordPress or Joomla, which takes several attempts to install. However, it’s as smooth to replace your content. All you do is create a record in Word, then reduce and paste and click post. Google loves CMS because they have a sparkling range. Most small organizations don’t have the talent to build a website, and those that do not have their internet site appear in the Google search. Building a website is easy; the trick is locating the website on a Google Search.


If you ask, most enterprises. “Are they glad for some site visitors their website generates?” and “Do they realize how these site visitors convert?” Most commercial enterprise owners need more site visitors and haven’t any clue if it produces any greater enterprise If you are trying to get a web presence and are no longer positive about how to move about, then Cashflow Copywriting & Marketing might be satisfied to guide you. Install WordPress

Jacklyn J. Dyer

Friend of animals everywhere. Problem solver. Falls down a lot. Hardcore social media advocate. Managed a small team training dolls with no outside help. Spent high school summers creating marketing channels for Elvis Presley in Minneapolis, MN. Prior to my current job I was donating wooden trains in Hanford, CA. Spent the 80's getting my feet wet with accordians in Jacksonville, FL. Spent the 80's writing about crayon art in Africa. Managed a small team getting to know inflatable dolls in Gainesville, FL.
